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Change log entry 62445
Processed by: richwarm (2016-08-08 12:24:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59190 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
Editor: should be jian1, i believe. At least it's jian1 in the word 监事.

<< follow-up of change log entry 62385 >>
<< review queue entry 59136 - submitted by 'budhard' >>
please correct my translation, thank you

E.g. 接著而來的籌辦活動,理監事都沒空參與,他只好找朋友、鄰居幫忙。 Later, when the director lacked time to plan activities himself, Lin would get his friends or neighbors to help.
- 在施寄青宣布退隱時,會員泣不成聲,部分理監事也跟著同進退,引發晚晴不小的震盪。When Shih retired, members were devastated, and some of the directors also left, delivering quite a blow to the organization.
- 從名稱、章程、定位走向,到理監事須有三分之二為南洋籍姊妹等,everything from the name of the association to its constitution, direction, and even a quota on the board membership of two-thirds Southeast Asian women,
- 理監事 理监事 [li3 jian4 shi4] /member of a board of directors/
+ 理監事 理监事 [li3 jian1 shi4] /member of a board of directors/
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