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Change log entry 62387
Processed by: ycandau (2016-07-29 09:20:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59139 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"on-the-spot survey" is what you get when you translate a Chinese dictionary's definition (实地测量) or sneak a look at their English gloss (Z ~ [on-the-spot survey]).

"real measurement" is what you get when you translate the word character by character.

A Line example shows that 實測 (measurement with instruments) is contrasted with 目测 (visual estimation).
L ~ 实测和目测是有差距的,我们不应根据目测的数据来作判断。
There are differences between actual measurement and visual inspection, so we shouldn't make judgments based on the data from visual inspections.

See also J.
E.g. ~ observational astrophysics

observed geologic boundary

The results of the field survey and model test are coincide.

Finally, the computational results are compared with the field data of the subway in Beijing.

measured diameter

observed pressure

TP ~ 派人搭船三次環繞台灣島後,實測繪出一幅地圖,
In 1625, the first Dutch governor sent three expeditions around the island by sea, based on which a map was sketched out.

But our field data indicated that the southwest winds in the seas where the typhoon was located were increasing in strength,

Stepping back for a moment, field research like that done by the "wind-chasers" and "rain-chasers" may help us to get a handle on typhoons and monsoons

The vessel turned out to be 21 meters in length and 4.15 meters across the beam, with a displacement of about 350 tons.
- 實測 实测 [shi2 ce4] /on-the-spot survey/real measurement/
# + 實測 实测 [shi2 ce4] /to take measurements/observational (astrophysics etc)/measured (speed etc)/observed (as opposed to "estimated")/
+ 實測 实测 [shi2 ce4] /to take measurements/measured (speed etc)/observed (as opposed to "estimated")/observational (astronomy)/
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