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Change log entry 62381
Processed by: richwarm (2016-07-28 03:49:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 53591 - submitted by 'genggoro' >>
Separate pinyin syllables and commas.

Editor: "Premier Zhou put considerable weight on Comrade Fuchun's advice; he rewrote it into an 'eight-character guideline' that was then approved by Chairman Mao ..."
# - 八字方針 八字方针 [ba1 zi4 fang1 zhen1] /policy expressed in eight characters, e.g. 巩固、深化、提高、发展[Gong3 gu4, shen1 hua4, ti2 gao1, fa1 zhan3] "Consolidate, deepen, enhance and grow"/eight-character policy/
- 八字方針 八字方针 [ba1 zi4 fang1 zhen1] /policy expressed in eight characters, e.g. 巩固、深化、提高、发展[Gong3 gu4 , shen1 hua4 , ti2 gao1 , fa1 zhan3] "Consolidate, deepen, enhance and grow"/eight-character policy/
# + 八字方針 八字方针 [ba1 zi4 fang1 zhen1] /policy expressed in eight characters, e.g. 鞏固、深化、提高、發展|巩固、深化、提高、发展[Gong3 gu4 , shen1 hua4 , ti2 gao1 , fa1 zhan3] "Consolidate, deepen, enhance and grow"/eight-character policy/
+ 八字方針 八字方针 [ba1 zi4 fang1 zhen1] /the eight-character slogan for the economic policy proposed by 李富春[Li3 Fu4 chun1] in 1961: 調整、鞏固、充實、提高|调整、巩固、充实、提高 "adjust, consolidate, enrich and improve"/a policy expressed as an eight-character slogan/
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