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Change log entry 6235
Processed by: miles (2008-11-08 17:33:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 5349 - submitted by 'vincebaey' >>
+ 我行我素 我行我素 [wo3 xing2 wo3 su4] /to continue in one's own way (成语 saw); to ignore advice/to persist whatever others say/
- 剛愎自用 刚愎自用 [gang1 bi4 zi4 yong4] /stubborn/
+ 剛愎自用 刚愎自用 [gang1 bi4 zi4 yong4] /obstinate and self-opinionated (成语 saw); stubborn/
+ 依然故我 依然故我 [yi1 ran2 gu4 wo3] /to continue in one's own way (成语 saw); to ignore advice/to persist whatever others say/
- 一如既往 一如既往 [yi1 ru2 ji4 wang3] /(set phrase) just as in the past/as before/continuing as always/
+ 一如既往 一如既往 [yi1 ru2 ji4 wang3] /just as in the past (成语 saw); as before/continuing as always/
+ 面目全非 面目全非 [mian4 mu4 quan2 fei1] /nothing remains the same (成语 saw); change beyond recognition/
+ 瞬息萬變 瞬息万变 [shun4 xi1 wan4 bian4] /in an instant a myriad changes (成语 saw); rapid substantial change/
+ 言聽計從 言听计从 [yan2 ting1 ji4 cong2] /to see, hear and obey (成语 saw); to take advice/to take sb at his word/
- 虛懷若谷 虚怀若谷 [xu1 huai2 ruo4 gu3] /very modest/
+ 虛懷若谷 虚怀若谷 [xu1 huai2 ruo4 gu3] /receptive as an echoing canyon (成语 saw); modest and open-minded/
- 松下 松下 [Song1 xia4] /Matsushita (surname)/Panasonics, Japanese electronics company/
+ 松下 松下 [Song1 xia4] /Matsushita (name)/Panasonic, Japanese electronics company/
+ 三洋 三洋 [san1 yang2] /Sanyō, Japanese electronics company/
- 松下電器 松下电器 [Song1 xia4 Dian4 qi4] /Matsushita Electric Industrial Co./
+ 松下電器 松下电器 [Song1 xia4 Dian4 qi4] /Matsushita Electric Industrial Co./Panasonic/
- 優先股 优先股 [you1 xian1 gu3] /preferred stock/
+ 優先股 优先股 [you1 xian1 gu3] /preferential shares/
+ 松下公司 松下公司 [Song1 xia4 gong1 si1] /Matsushita Electric Industrial Co./Panasonic/
- 褻瀆 亵渎 [xie4 du2] /to blaspheme/
+ 褻瀆 亵渎 [xie4 du2] /to blaspheme/to profane/
+ 褻黷 亵黩 [xie4 du2] /to blaspheme/to profane/
+ 褻慢 亵慢 [xie4 man4] /irreverent/slighting/
+ 褻昵 亵昵 [xie4 ni4] /familiar (i.e. rude)/irreverent/
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