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Change log entry 62321
Processed by: richwarm (2016-07-23 23:48:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59096 - submitted by 'vvayfarer' >>


Editor: "fired up" sounds good.
ABC's gloss "burning with righteous indignation" can be traced back at least as far as "A Chinese-English Dictionary" (1980).
But Yves comments that no Ch dicts seem to refer to "anger".
And there are lots of examples where the meaning isn't "angry".
E.g. 各地球迷在球場吶喊得熱血沸騰、好不過癮,
"... and baseball fans in each locale would go wild – it was all very exciting."

Yves also suggests adding /to have one's blood racing/.
I think that's a good idea because some references give "angry" as one sense of "fired up":
1) fired up
- excited. "I am so fired up for this party!"
- angry. "Great, now you got him all fired up."
2) Cambridge Advanced Learners Dict.
fire sb up - phrasal verb
to make someone become excited or angry
3) Web ~ "I don't easily get angry, however… THIS got me fired up!"
- 熱血沸騰 热血沸腾 [re4 xue4 fei4 teng2] /to be burning with anger (idiom)/
# + 熱血沸騰 热血沸腾 [re4 xue4 fei4 teng2] /to be fired up/
+ 熱血沸騰 热血沸腾 [re4 xue4 fei4 teng2] /to be fired up/to have one's blood racing/
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