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Change log entry 62313
Processed by: ycandau (2016-07-22 13:12:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59101 - submitted by 'vvayfarer' >>

Editor: globally there is no point in copying, or translating, what you find on Baidu; which are just copy from some dictionary sources.
Rather, tell us why and in what context you found the entry unsatisfying.

Checking dictionaries, we can do. Guessing what's your real-life problem, we can't.

NB: in this case, the construct sense "to repair" is so prevalent that we can't ignore it in a dictionary for foreign speakers
- 修好 修好 [xiu1 hao3] /to repair/
# + 修好 修好 [xiu1 hao3] /to be on friendly terms with/to foster good relations with/(dialect) to do meritorious deeds/
+ 修好 修好 [xiu1 hao3] /to repair (sth broken)/to restore (sth damaged)/to establish friendly relations with/(literary) to do meritorious deeds/
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