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Change log entry 62118
Processed by: ycandau (2016-07-06 11:28:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58806 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
Wp: 資優班,是中華民國對資賦優異班的簡稱。

LA: 【臺】中、小學為教育資賦優異學生所設立的特殊班級。一般分為學術性向和才藝類,如數理資優班、美術資優班。

maybe could add an entry for 資優 as well. (LA: 資質優異。[例]~生|~班。)

Of course it wasn't long before his competitors followed suit, while at the same time they hung big banners outside their schools proclaiming how this or that student from their kindergarten had tested into the class for gifted children in first grade of elementary school, a trend that Hsieh-who has always insisted that "class rank isn't everything"-refused to follow.
+ 資優班 资优班 [zi1 you1 ban1] /class composed of gifted students (Tw)/
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