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Change log entry 61623
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-20 17:00:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58180 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
not /just/
copied from dict of course.

as usual it is difficult to pursue the meaning of such words through dicts. Some examples though are telling

I am basing myself also on J:

we previously had the variant
梗直 梗直 [geng3 zhi2] /blunt (speech)/frank/honest and outspoken/
but those senses were deleted w/o checking
- 耿直 耿直 [geng3 zhi2] /upright/honest and just/
+ 耿直 耿直 [geng3 zhi2] /honest/frank/candid/
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