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Change log entry 61622
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-20 16:54:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58175 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
GF: 指带着“娘” “妈”等字眼骂人;也泛指谩骂。

- “我说同学,你怎么开车的,而且学校貌似不准你们骑机动车上学的吧!”我忍着想骂娘的冲动问道。

Belle pulled out a pistol and shot the man down.She was fuming.

But human nature being what it is you can be sure that people who spoke Old English swore when they hit their thumb with a hammer or when they wanted to say something rude.

We found men who love us even though we're still cranky and neurotic, haven't got our careers together, and sometimes talk too loudly, drink too much and swear at the television news.
+ 罵娘 骂娘 [ma4 niang2] /to curse (at sb)/to call sb names/
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