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Change log entry 61604
Processed by: ycandau (2016-05-18 19:25:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58312 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Z's 现在也用来比喻一次惨重的失败 was presumably the inspiration for "fig. a disastrous setback" but I imagine it would be better phrased as a verb. (The Z example is 这样不顾大局,不识大体的人,早晚会倒栽葱的。)

And "setback" seems like the wrong word to use in rendering 惨重的失败. Perhaps 一次 was interpreted as "one time (one of several attempts)".
- 倒栽蔥 倒栽葱 [dao4 zai1 cong1] /to fall headlong/fig. a disastrous setback/
+ 倒栽蔥 倒栽葱 [dao4 zai1 cong1] /to fall headlong/(fig.) to suffer an ignominious failure/
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