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Change log entry 61403
Processed by: richwarm (2016-04-26 22:21:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58318 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
to me those glosses sound like 不重要.

GF example

of course this is just the negative of 数得上
- 數不上 数不上 [shu3 bu4 shang4] /does not count/is not important/
+ 數不上 数不上 [shu3 bu4 shang4] /not to deserve to be mentioned/not to qualify/below par/
- 數不著 数不着 [shu3 bu4 zhao2] /does not count/is not important/
+ 數不著 数不着 [shu3 bu4 zhao2] /see 數不上|数不上[shu3 bu4 shang4]/
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