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Change log entry 61246
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-04-11 16:22:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57148 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Should "corrective punishment" be replaced with a verb like "to deal with (an offender, a problem etc)"?

In her first four years at the FTC, Chao was decisive in dealing with pyramid schemes and breaking down monopolies of state-run corporations. Her previously low-profile agency, which had been seen as "only daring to strike flies but not tigers," became front page news, and she herself won the moniker "Iron Lady."

J ~
- 他没有整治那些不安本份的左翼分子
- 这坏蛋得整治一下。

NC has "to punish; to fix".
J has "to punish; to discipline; to lick into shape" as part of a definition of 整治.

Editor: per discussion
- 整治 整治 [zheng3 zhi4] /to renovate/to restore/to repair/to restore a waterway by dredging/corrective punishment/to get sth ready/
# + 整治 整治 [zheng3 zhi4] /to renovate/to restore/to repair/to restore a waterway by dredging/corrective punishment/to get sth ready/
+ 整治 整治 [zheng3 zhi4] /to bring under control/to regulate/to restore to good condition/(coll.) to fix (a person)/to prepare (a meal etc)/
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