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Change log entry 61116
Processed by: ycandau (2016-04-04 17:14:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56337 >>
different readings for different senses

Editor: and even that last one can be pronounced full tone, as much as the first can be pronounced light tone.
- 過去 过去 [guo4 qu5] /(in the) past/former/previous/to go over/to pass by/
# + 過去 过去 [guo4 qu4] /(in the) past/former/previous/
+ 過去 过去 [guo4 qu4] /(in the) past/former/previous/to go over/to pass by/
# + 過去 过去 [guo4 qu5] /to go over/to pass by/
+ 過去 过去 [guo4 qu5] /(verb suffix)/
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