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Change log entry 61111
Processed by: ycandau (2016-04-04 14:31:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57674 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
following Rich's change for 冷語

here again we have a pattern of "all Chinese words have the same definition"

冷言冷語 is not verbal
冷語冰人, on the contrary, is verbal (or predicate)

M: 以冷淡的言語對人。比喻待人冷漠無情。
LA: 用冷淡、刻薄的言語對待他人。比喻待人冷漠無情。
例 「朋友相聚應該是一件快樂的事,他卻冷語冰人,搞得大家不歡而散」。
Z: 冷语冰人(用尖刻的话对待人)

1. you can check that all dicts see that as nominal (as do I). A fixed expression can be used as predicate. But I am OK to add a gloss.
2. I'm not sure that 冰人 is exactly "offend". But have to move on.
Thx for all the comments.
- 冷言冷語 冷言冷语 [leng3 yan2 leng3 yu3] /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to mock and ridicule/
# + 冷言冷語 冷言冷语 [leng3 yan2 leng3 yu3] /sarcastic comments (idiom)/
+ 冷言冷語 冷言冷语 [leng3 yan2 leng3 yu3] /sarcastic comments (idiom)/to make sarcastic comments/
- 冷語冰人 冷语冰人 [leng3 yu3 bing1 ren2] /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to mock and ridicule/
# + 冷語冰人 冷语冰人 [leng3 yu3 bing1 ren2] /to chill people by unkind remarks (idiom)/
+ 冷語冰人 冷语冰人 [leng3 yu3 bing1 ren2] /to offend people with unkind remarks (idiom)/
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