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Change log entry 61062
Processed by: richwarm (2016-04-01 22:42:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58038 - submitted by 'budhard' >>
should be differentiated between 鬱 and 郁 as surname
鬱姓 => https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AC%B1%E5%A7%93
郁姓 => https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%83%81%E5%A7%93
Editor: What you are proposing is an entry that says that the simplified form of the (very rare) surname 鬱 is 鬱.
That appears to be contradicted in Liang'an Cidian:
and in the 简化字总表, which says "郁〔鬱〕"

Both references say that the simplified form of 鬱 is 郁.

Our entries are
郁 郁 [Yu4] /surname Yu/
鬱 郁 [Yu4] /surname Yu/
This appears to be correct.
The surnames 郁 and 鬱 are differentiated in their traditional forms, but not in their simplified forms, since they both have the same simplified form.
# - 鬱 郁 [Yu4] /surname Yu/
# + 鬱 鬱 [Yu4] /surname Yu/
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