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Change log entry 61014
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-30 04:25:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57329 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- Disambiguate "atmosphere"
- Is "magnanimity" correct? I don't see that in LA.
- LA seems to have a sense that means "stylish" ~ 大方;不俗氣。例 「這套西裝看起來大氣得體」。
- LA has this sense as well ~ 宏偉的氣勢或氣度。例 「大氣磅礴」、「雄渾大氣」、「大氣非凡」。
- 大氣 大气 [da4 qi4] /atmosphere/heavy breathing/magnanimity/
# + 大氣 大气 [da4 qi4] /atmosphere (surrounding the earth)/heavy breathing/magnanimity??/.../
+ 大氣 大气 [da4 qi4] /atmosphere (surrounding the earth)/imposing/impressive/stylish/
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