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Change log entry 61012
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-29 15:52:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56524 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's a very common word in Japanese, but it usually means "make progress (in learning a skill); become proficient" in that language. The many TP examples suggest it's common in Chinese too, but dicts say it means "reach the higher authorities" (K, A, M), whereas TP examples suggest that
- it means "reach; attain"
- "reach the higher authorities" is more like 下情上達 or 上達天聽.

[The WPPA targeted key ministries and decision-makers for lobbying. At first it was very difficult even to make contact with these people. "The Public Construction Commission, which is in fact the key decision-maker on public works, is nearly invisible. The Defense Ministry has always worn an awe-inspiring mask of mystery. And the Construction and Planning Administration is only an implementing body, which does whatever decision-makers tell it to," says Tseng.] Just to reach these agencies, he had to win the support of elected officials at each level and of the city and county mayors. It was only by relying on their support that Tseng was able to win an opportunity to communicate with these agencies.

From this point of view, homosexuals acting through organized groups have certainly achieved a considerable impact in terms of putting gays and gay issues before the public.

Hanging from these branches are sea shells, a symbol of wealth. Perhaps the purpose of these decorations was to pray for wealth, or maybe the tree was meant to serve as a stairway to heaven.

Although in the four-day program of visits and discussions, no specific agreements were reached as to modes of cooperation in such areas as tourism, trade, investment, agriculture and fisheries,

must have had a lot to do with Wang's success as an artist,

Both sides may be able to agree on 'one China with different interpretations' as a basis for resuming dialogue.

If PRC president Jiang Zemin can achieve a breakthrough in what the PRC calls "Taiwan work" before he withdraws from the center of the political stage,

Lilley realized his opinions had not reached the highest circles

"It's only after we meet market standards for quality and professionalism that our customers begin to see the social-welfare angle as a bit of a bonus."

Editor: of course it's mostly
in those examples
# 上達 上达 [shang4 da2] /to reach/to attain/
+ 上達 上达 [shang4 da2] /to reach the higher authorities/
By MDBG 2024
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