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Change log entry 60984
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-03-26 21:40:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57872 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I said I'd refrain from submitting for a while, but this one looks flat-out wrong and needs to be fixed

TP ~ 「這不是為了三元五元斤斤計較,這是成本結構和漲幅合不合理的問題,」
"This is not a question of haggling over three or five NT dollars, it's a question of the cost structure, and whether the scale of price rises is reasonable,"

平均漲幅為4.51% an average 4.51% increase
- 漲幅 涨幅 [zhang3 fu2] /rise and fall of stock in one day's trading/
+ 漲幅 涨幅 [zhang3 fu2] /extent of a rise (in prices etc)/amount of increase/growth (typically expressed as a percentage)/
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