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Change log entry 60951
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-24 20:54:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56041 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I don't think it's about "sinking" in any literal sense - pls check.
Also, it's not "reduced" in a quantitative sense (as in "Staff numbers were reduced to just 14.")

if you look along the streets and in the malls, you will see that the food and beverage industry is dominated by formulaic chain stores.
- 淪為 沦为 [lun2 wei2] /to sink down to/to be reduced to/
# + 淪為 沦为 [lun2 wei2] /(literary) to be reduced to (sth inferior)/
+ 淪為 沦为 [lun2 wei2] /to sink down to/to be reduced to (sth inferior)/
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