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Change log entry 60940
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-24 13:55:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57933 - submitted by 'random_creature' >>
Well known.

Editor: reject.
There is no hint of that even in old sources. It may be well known but nobody knows it.
Concerning 柘东, the various opinions seem to indicate that this is a copyist error in houtangshu; thus the only possible entry would go like
柘东 /probable erroneous old variant of 拓東/
which makes for an entry of low usability; basically anyone reading texts from that period should be able to find that on the net, in under a minute.
# 柘 柘 [tuo] /Possibly unsemantic phoneme used rarely (only?) within the old name for the city of Kunming, Tuodong/
By MDBG 2024
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