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Change log entry 60939
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-24 13:46:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57925 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's a reign title rather than a person (康熙帝).
(1661-1722) are the dates of the era, not of the emperor's life, as the current entry suggests.
We probably don't need the Wade-Giles spelling?
M @ 康熙 ~ 清聖祖的年號(西元1662~1722)​。
We have a separate entry for 康熙字典.
- 康熙 康熙 [Kang1 xi1] /Kangxi or K'ang Hsi, second Qing Emperor (1661-1722)/
+ 康熙 康熙 [Kang1 xi1] /Kangxi, title of the reign (1661-1722) of the Kangxi Emperor 聖祖|圣祖[Sheng4 zu3]/
+ 聖祖 圣祖 [Sheng4 zu3] /Shengzu, temple name of the second Qing emperor, known as the Kangxi Emperor (1654-1722)/cf. 康熙[Kang1 xi1]/
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