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Change log entry 60933
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-23 07:36:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56150 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) I don't think 买空卖空 means "buy and sell without paying cash".
2) I don't think it makes sense to "buy and sell short". Investors don't deliberately buy short - they only *sell* short.

many new companies in Silicon Valley develop good ideas and then sell them--just like buying and selling options

Chu considered his options: Under the circumstances, why shouldn't the two cancel their agreement, so that Chu could look to sell the work to someone else. But the other side wasn't amenable. Fearing the trouble that might ensue, Chu eventually accepted selling the film to his original mainland partner at a discount of 50%. It was only later that he learned that the other party was only a low-ranking manager for a film studio in Zhejiang. He was just speculating.

1) 一種商業投機活動。投機者預計證券、外幣、期貨等行情的漲落,通過交易所或經紀人乘機買進或賣出,到期結算,從差價中獲取利潤。因雙方不需足夠的貨物和現款即可過手,故稱。

2) 比喻招搖撞騙的投機行為。
例 「很多空頭公司專幹買空賣空的勾當」。
Editor: One less "#up" on the queue. Seven remaining.
- 買空賣空 买空卖空 [mai3 kong1 mai4 kong1] /to buy and sell short (i.e. without paying cash)/to speculate/
# + 買空賣空 买空卖空 [mai3 kong1 mai4 kong1] /to buy and sell options/to play the market/(fig.) to swindle people by posing as a reputable operator/
+ 買空賣空 买空卖空 [mai3 kong1 mai4 kong1] /to speculate/to play the market/(fig.) to sell hot air/to swindle people by posing as a reputable operator/
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