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Change log entry 60843
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-16 08:29:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56406 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
These constituted battle rallies, appeals to celestial soldiers to descend from Heaven and drive SARS from the land.

Due to his fierce character, potent supernatural powers, and his office as the Marshal of the Central Altar with command over the heavenly hosts and chariots of the divine encampments of the four cardinal directions, Nezha has become the protective deity for almost every god, and his cult may be found in almost every temple.

As a form of prayer, the members keep to a vegetarian diet for the entire trip. They cover an average of 40 kilometers a day, walking in the daytime and stopping at local temples at night. Then they take part in ceremonies to rid the area of bad fortune.


I didn't think very hard about LA's #3 definition.
I'm sure there's a better gloss than "goofball".
Editor: @Yves - "bungler", ok.
... though "clumsy" also implies "physically awkward".
# 天兵 天兵 [tian1 bing1] /celestial soldier/(old) imperial troops/(Tw, jocular) goofball/
+ 天兵 天兵 [tian1 bing1] /celestial soldier/(old) imperial troops/(Tw, jocular) clumsy army recruit/(more generally) bungler/screw-up/
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