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Change log entry 60839
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-16 05:19:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51091 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
the article i was reading used: 跳挡, but it seems like 跳档 is more accurate and more common...

I didn't know this was a "thing" until just now -- apparently some cars have problems where the gear sticks jumps out of gear and into neutral...

baidu zhidao:

Web ~ 手动挡汽车能跳挡吗?如1挡跳3挡,3挡到5挡。
~ 汽车变速器跳挡怎样排除?

My solution for the 挡/档 problem was as follows:
擋 挡 [dang3] /to resist/to obstruct/to hinder/to keep off/to block (a blow)/to get in the way of/cover/gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)/
檔 档 [dang4] /official records/grade (of goods)/file/records/shelves/slot/gap/crosspiece/classifier for crosspieces/classifier for events, affairs etc/Taiwan pr. [dang3]/
檔 档 [dang3] /(Tw) variant of 擋|挡[dang3], gear/
# 跳檔 跳档 [tiao4 dang3] /to slip out of gear/to pop out of gear (of cars)/
+ 跳擋 跳挡 [tiao4 dang3] /(of a car) to slip out of gear/to pop out of gear/
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