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Change log entry 60834
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-15 22:50:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 55633 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>

Editor: see http://www.chinesezither.net/guzhengsoundboardwoods.html
- 珙桐 珙桐 [gong3 tong2] /dove tree/
+ 珙桐 珙桐 [gong3 tong2] /dove tree (Davidia involucrata)/
# all Chinese trees are the same tree, how convenient
- 梧桐 梧桐 [wu2 tong2] /wutong or Paulownia tree (Fermiana platanifolia), a lightweight strong wood used for musical instruments/Chinese parasol tree/
+ 梧桐 梧桐 [wu2 tong2] /wutong (Firmiana platanifolia)/Chinese parasol tree/
- 泡桐 泡桐 [pao1 tong2] /Paulownia tree (Fermiana platanifolia), a lightweight strong wood used for musical instruments/Chinese parasol tree/
+ 泡桐 泡桐 [pao1 tong2] /Paulownia (genus)/
# guzheng are often claimed to be made of 桐木 (paulownia on English sites).
# Both trees are possible, and Chinese themselves seem unsure
- 桐 桐 [tong2] /Chinese wood-oil tree (Aleurites cordata)/
+ 桐 桐 [tong2] /tree name (variously Paulownia, Firmiana or Aleurites)/
# Wp: Aleurites: Some deciduous Chinese species are now classified under a separate genus Vernicia.
+ 油桐 油桐 [you2 tong2] /Chinese wood-oil tree (Vernicia fordii)/
# useless. And wrong.
- 梧桐木 梧桐木 [wu2 tong2 mu4] /Paulownia wood used for musical instruments/
# the real reason
+ 法國梧桐 法国梧桐 [fa3 guo2 wu2 tong2] /plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia)/
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