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Change log entry 60733
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-09 15:56:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56572 >>
To the editor:
Hi — I normally only submit entries that I'm 100% certain about. In this case, however, I will need help confirming the English definitions (feel free to discard any of the definitions if necessary).

Unfortunately, the two main Chinese dictionaries I use do not have an entry for "體感", but it seems common enough online. I also came across it twice in a non-technical publication. It was used in a very general way (like the words "perception" or "sense" or "feeling" would be used in English), but obviously it has deeper connotations than those words, and like I said it isn't officially included in the 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本 or 汉典 (zdic.net). Thanks
# 體感 体感 [ti3 gan3] /physical perception / "feels like" (temperature) / somatic senses / somesthetic senses / somatosensory / physical or tactile sensation/
+ 體感 体感 [ti3 gan3] /physical sensation/somatosensory/motion sensing (gaming)/
# Editor added:
+ 體感溫度 体感温度 [ti3 gan3 wen1 du4] /apparent temperature (meteorology)/
By MDBG 2024
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