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Change log entry 60731
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-09 14:53:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57517 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
1 打入地面下的木樁(或石、鋼、水泥樁)​的根基部分。例 「陳年的樁腳都朽爛 了」。
2 (臺) 選舉時,在基層替候選人拉票,穩固基本票源的人員。多為對該地區有影響力的人士。例 「這次選舉,多位樁腳涉賄,已被收押禁見」。

https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%81%E8%85%B3 => they say "vote captain" (never heard of that, but my knowledge of election campaign jargon is abysmal)

Editor: Rich's wording.
# 樁腳 桩脚 [zhuang1 jiao3] /stump/(Tw) vote captain (person who is locally responsible for attracting votes for a candidate in an election)/
+ 樁腳 桩脚 [zhuang1 jiao3] /pier foundation (architecture)/(Tw) politically influential figure enlisted to support one side in an election/
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