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Change log entry 60728
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-09 14:23:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57134 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
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Web ~ "Lai See are small red and gold envelopes containing money and are given at Chinese New Year."
So I guess it's the Cantonese for 红包.

LA ~
1. 利潤。例 「利市三倍」。
2. 生意上的吉兆。泛指好運、吉利。例 「大發利市」、「討個利市」。

How can culture make use of technology to create a highly profitable market?

Editor: no change proposed.
There is another sub in the queue
# - 利市 利市 [li4 shi4] /"lai see" (lucky money)/
# + 利市 利市 [li4 shi4] /??"lai see" (lucky money)??/
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