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Change log entry 60726
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-09 14:04:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56776 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
that's a bit difficult. This word has a concrete meaning.
Personally I have found it about a person who puts an object on paper and delineates it with a pencil.

[trace] 指透过覆在原件上的透明纸按照看得见的线条或文描摹(如图画,版画,手抄本)
That's very (too?) detailed, and I fancy there is a word in English (maybe "trace"? :-)

1.照著原樣畫或寫。例 「描摹壁畫」、「描摹大師的作品」。
"描摹壁畫" is a good example that you find in the wild. I imagine the method is not exactly as described in Z, but does involve some mechanical reproduction

well, I imagine the problem is rejected onto 摹寫
("facsimile" is in several J examples, and "trace over" a calligraphy model)

1. 依原樣描寫。書法上摹寫的方法有三種。一為描紅,二為映摹,三為雙鉤廓填。亦作「模寫」。
2. 修辭學上指對事物的各種感受,加以形容描寫的修辭法。如朱自清荷塘月色文中的「荷塘四面,長著許多樹,蓊蓊鬱鬱的。」即屬於視覺的摹寫。
I don't know if there is some specific word in English for that second sense. Maybe it's covered by "depict"
- 描摹 描摹 [miao2 mo2] /to describe/to portray/
+ 描摹 描摹 [miao2 mo2] /to trace over/to take a copy (of a calligraphy, a painting etc)/(fig.) to describe/to portray/
- 摹寫 摹写 [mo2 xie3] /to depict/to portray/to imitate/to copy/facsimile/
+ 摹寫 摹写 [mo2 xie3] /to trace over/to copy (a calligraphy model)/facsimile/(fig.) to depict/to portray/
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