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Change log entry 60722
Processed by: richwarm (2016-03-09 09:30:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57775 - submitted by 'ghast' >>
this term just gave me above 17 million results in 百度.

國語辭典's definition is: 禁止一般人隨便出入的地方。如:「軍事禁地」。

the suggested definition is from Pocket Oxford Chinese Dictionary.

here is a 百度百科 entry : http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A6%81%E5%9C%B0/18601819#viewPageContent
Hsiaokui (Little Ghost) Lake, which the Paiwan call "Palisi," is an off-limits area sacred to both the Rukai and Paiwan.

The risks at the polar regions were so great that insurance companies considered them off-limits and refused to provide coverage.

Taiwan history was gradually moving from being forbidden territory under martial law to becoming a politically correct branch of study

In the media, which is seen as the last great no-go area for reform and liberalization,
# 禁地 禁地 [jin4 di4] /forbidden ground/restricted area/
+ 禁地 禁地 [jin4 di4] /forbidden area/restricted area/(fig.) sth considered off-limits/
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