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Change log entry 60719
Processed by: vermillon (2016-03-09 08:06:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57777 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
- 薏 薏 [yi4] /Job's tear plant (Coix lacryma)/erroneously called Chinese pearl barley/
+ 薏 薏 [yi4] /see 薏苡[yi4 yi3]/
- 薏苡 薏苡 [yi4 yi3] /Job's tear plant (Coix lacryma)/erroneously called Chinese pearl barley/
+ 薏苡 薏苡 [yi4 yi3] /Job's tears plant (Coix lacryma-jobi)/Chinese pearl barley/
- 川穀 川谷 [chuan1 gu3] /Job's tears (Coix lacryma)/erroneously called Chinese pearl barley/
+ 川穀 川谷 [chuan1 gu3] /sams as 薏苡[yi4 yi3]/
- 薏米 薏米 [yi4 mi3] /Job's tear grains (Coix lacryma)/erroneously called Chinese pearl barley/
+ 薏米 薏米 [yi4 mi3] /grains of Job's tears plant 薏苡[yi4 yi3]/
- 薏仁 薏仁 [yi4 ren2] /Job's tear grains (Coix lacryma)/erroneously called Chinese pearl barley/
+ 薏仁 薏仁 [yi4 ren2] /grains of Job's tears plant 薏苡[yi4 yi3]/
- 苡米 苡米 [yi3 mi3] /Job's tears grains (Coix lacryma-jobi)/
+ 苡米 苡米 [yi3 mi3] /grains of Job's tears plant 薏苡[yi4 yi3]/
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