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Change log entry 60714
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-08 18:56:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56610 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- "energy" (or maybe "strength") – not "force"
- "residual" is technically correct but makes it sound like a scientific term - "residual force"

literati would gather to compete at writing "eight-legged" essays, and if they had any energy left over they would write poetry.

For several years the Ju Percussion Group has been tireless in promoting this art form,

since the members of this generation are living amid affluence and don't need to toil all day just to make ends meet, they have more strength left over to give something back to society.

When our American headquarters is already reeling from its own battles, how could it have the energy to look after Latin America?


A ~ spare energy

Editor: "residual force" sounds strange to me too.
- 餘力 余力 [yu2 li4] /residual force/
+ 餘力 余力 [yu2 li4] /energy left over (to do sth else)/
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