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Change log entry 60703
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-08 09:58:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57537 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"village people"
Not necessarily plural - 所以請了一個鄉民來發表對於政治的意見。

In March of this year, Chou Jen-huang, a resident of Sanhsing Rural Township in Ilan County, was out walking when he saw something moving the roots of a big tree in the vicinity of Changpi Lake.


2nd gloss could be improved, I would think.

TP ~ 而部落格的精神,套一句台灣年輕網路族的俏皮話,正是所謂的「鄉民力量大!」「鄉民」一詞出自周星馳電影《九品芝麻官》裡的一句台詞:「我是跟鄉民進來看熱鬧的,只是往前站了一點……」,意指凡事喜歡小題大作、好發議論的烏合之眾。但積少可以成多,量變也能帶動質變,台灣部落客瑣碎但龐大的生活感想與牢騷議論,如今也累積成一股潛力無窮的文化現象。隨著越來越多人開始認真打造「自己的媒體」,或許一個百花齊放的部落格前景,將為台灣帶出一個更多元炫麗的文化風景。
The spirit of blogging can be described with a catchphrase going around the net in Taiwan: "The townspeople have the power!" It's a reference to a scene from the Stephen Chow film Hail the Judge when a nosy townsperson says, "I came in with the townspeople to see what the fuss was about. But now I'm a bit too close to the action...." The "townspeople" are a motley crew who make a mountain out of every molehill and love to give their opinions. As the blogging movement gains steam, perhaps the quality of discourse will be raised. As of now, Taiwan's bloggers may still be lone voices in the wilderness, but the forum their medium provides for expression and stating grievances is a cultural phenomenon with great potential. As more and more people get serious about making their own media, perhaps blogs will become a true cultural force in Taiwan.

同為資深「鄉民」(批踢踢用語,稱呼愛湊熱鬧的廣大網友,語出自周星馳電影《九品芝麻官》)、BBS資歷長達13 年的動畫導演林世勇,也將他對網路文化的觀察及反思,寫成劇本開拍3D動畫長片《木偶人─BBS鄉民的正義》。
Similarly, veteran "villager" (a term used on PTT to refer to users drawn to more active topics, adopted from the Stephen Chow movie Hail to the Judge), 13-year message-board veteran and animation director Lin Shih-yong has taken his observations and reflections on online culture to create a 3D animated film entitled Woodman Movie Edition: War of BBS World.

Says Lin, throughout much of his membership of PTT, he was just a lurker, silently watching the excitement,

From the legal perspective, lawyer and "villager" Lin Bonan says, offences under the Personal Data Protection Act and libel, slander, and other defamatory behavior covered by Articles 309 and 310 of the Penal Code are two of the most likely forms of illegal behavior to be engaged in by Internet vigilantes.

- 鄉民 乡民 [xiang1 min2] /village people/
+ 鄉民 乡民 [xiang1 min2] /villager/(Tw) (Internet slang) person who likes to follow online discussions and add their opinions/
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