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Change log entry 60674
Processed by: ycandau (2016-03-07 18:17:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56625 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It's used in Cantonese, pronounced bok3.
Cantodict says "(Cantonese) curb; bund; dam".
One person writes that in Cantonese it seems to mean "something on the road that would cause a driver to slow down or that represents an obstacle and that is small enough so that one can see over it, eg: speedbump, sidewalk (from a driver's point of view), lane divider in a median strip (if it raises above the ground as opposed to going into the ground)."


Anyway, regarding Mandarin, Z says
xué ㄒㄩㄝˊ
 ◎ 土坚。
bó ㄅㄛˊ
 ◎ 方言,垅:锄薯~。
jué ㄐㄩㄝˊ
 ◎ 器物的裂缝。

while K has 壆 jué ◊ stiff, hard clay or rocky strata ◊ crack in a jar

Wenlin ~ 壆 [bó] [xuān] [xué] [jué] (Unihan:) “stiff, hard clay or rocky strata; crack in a jar”

I'm assuming the meaning given by Z for the bo2 pronunciation is the following sense given by LA ~
耕地上種植作物的條形土埂。例 「寬壟」、「麥壟」、「壟畝」。

Wiktionary ~
(bó,ㄅㄛˊ;粵 bok3)〈粵〉(廣東廣州、從化)


- 壆 壆 [bo2] /stiff, hard clay or rocky strata/crack in a jar/
# + 壆 壆 [bo2] /row of crop plants in a field/
+ 壆 壆 [bo2] /mounded row of soil (in which crops are planted)/
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