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Change log entry 60363
Processed by: ycandau (2016-02-27 22:48:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56501 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
A "parterre" is
- "an ornamental garden with paths between the beds" or
- "an ornamental flower garden having the beds and paths arranged to form a pattern"

That doesn't seem to square with the following quote
nor with LA's definition and example:
例 「街道兩邊布置著很多花壇」。

Various sources have "flower terrace". I'm not sure whether that's justified or not.
- 花壇 花坛 [hua1 tan2] /flower terrace/parterre/
# + 花壇 花坛 [hua1 tan2] /raised flower bed/flower terrace/
+ 花壇 花坛 [hua1 tan2] /decorative mass planting of flowers and shrubs, often bounded by a low masonry border, and often part of a streetscape/
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