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Change log entry 60361
Processed by: ycandau (2016-02-27 22:15:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56282 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
no garden, no peaches, no immortality.
that's another story.

might need caps?
- 桃花源 桃花源 [tao2 hua1 yuan2] /same as 世外桃花源/the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality/imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/
+ 桃花源 桃花源 [tao2 hua1 yuan2] /the Peach Blossom Spring, a hidden land of peace and prosperity/utopia/
- 世外桃花源 世外桃花源 [shi4 wai4 tao2 hua1 yuan2] /same as 世外桃花源/the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality/imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/
+ 世外桃花源 世外桃花源 [shi4 wai4 tao2 hua1 yuan2] /see 桃花源 [tao2 hua1 yuan2]/
- 世外桃源 世外桃源 [shi4 wai4 tao2 yuan2] /the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality/Shangri-la/imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/
+ 世外桃源 世外桃源 [shi4 wai4 tao2 yuan2] /see 桃花源 [tao2 hua1 yuan2]/
- 桃源 桃源 [tao2 yuan2] /same as 世外桃源/the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality/Shangri-la/imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/
+ 桃源 桃源 [tao2 yuan2] /see 桃花源 [tao2 hua1 yuan2]/
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