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Change log entry 60049
Processed by: vermillon (2016-01-27 10:15:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57339 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Do we want erroneous expressions like this?
I imagine it's like including an entry in an English dictionary <<prostrate cancer: common erroneous version of "prostate cancer">> (in other words, it's simply wrong)

Anyway, I've submitted for a change in the definition of the correct term.
I think "magnificent" is wrong, for example.

editor: I'd say "we may want this", but this one is clearly not "common" (~3% hits, most of which are directly pointing to the correct form)
- 如火如茶 如火如茶 [ru2 huo3 ru2 cha2] /common erroneous version of 如火如荼[ru2 huo3 ru2 tu2] (idiom), daunting and vigorous (momentum)/magnificent/
By MDBG 2024
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