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Change log entry 60043
Processed by: richwarm (2016-01-27 06:19:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57283 - submitted by 'random_creature' >>
New cardinal direction meaning from an early 20th century map of Vietnam's coastline as published in the preface of 'Voiliers d'Indochine' (1943), see http://pratyeka.org/vietnam-coastal-map.jpg

Editor: The character indicating south on the map is an upside-down 午, not 士.
# - 士 士 [shi4] /member of the senior ministerial class (old)/scholar (old)/bachelor/honorific/first class military rank/specialist worker/
# + 士 士 [shi4] /member of the senior ministerial class (old)/scholar (old)/bachelor/honorific/first class military rank/specialist worker/(rarely)south/
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