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Change log entry 60016
Processed by: vermillon (2016-01-23 09:40:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57296 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
1. it's VO, not adjectival: 心一横 etc

2. finding this word in my reading, I was mulling over it and thinking that I would translate as "steel oneself"--and in fact I find K: ◊ steel one's heart, act in desperation
(well, the phrasing is not exactly the same)

I'm not saying it's the only sense; but the present def seems inadequate.
- 橫心 横心 [heng2 xin1] /determined (to do sth)/bent on/
+ 橫心 横心 [heng2 xin1] /to steel oneself/to harden one's heart/
By MDBG 2024
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