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Change log entry 60014
Processed by: vermillon (2016-01-23 09:10:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57310 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
{"The Floating World"} should be {the "floating world"}.
(It's not a book title.)

In Japan, "by the seventeenth century 浮世 came to have connotations of the (ever-changing) pleasure quarters and the “floating world” represented in woodblock prints."
Does 浮世 mean "floating world" in this sense in *Chinese*? It's not evident in definitions like M's 人間、俗世。
- 浮世 浮世 [fu2 shi4] /(Buddhism) "The Floating World", the world of the living/
+ 浮世 浮世 [fu2 shi4] /(Buddhism) the world of the living/
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