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Change log entry 59863
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2016-01-05 17:23:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57180 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
TP ~ 更何況,人工生殖科技的進步,不但沒有解除女性生產的痛苦,反而讓許多女性為求子受更多的苦。
Furthermore, progress in the techniques of assisted reproduction has not only failed to free women from suffering in bearing children, it has actually exposed many women to greater distress in their efforts to have children.

However, there are problems with adoption as well. Chen Chao-tzu, who finally chose to adopt after unsuccessfully trying every avenue in her quest to bear children, says she knows about this from her own experience. "A surrogate pregnancy is a matter of a year, but adoption is a matter of 20 years." She says that in order to adopt she had to fight a battle with the child's grandparents, and this also created a distance between her and the child's natural parents.

"Praying for sons, for wealth and for honors; for academic success and for peaceful well-being."
+ 求子 求子 [qiu2 zi3] /(of a childless couple) to pray for a son/to try to have a child/
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