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Change log entry 59861
Processed by: vermillon (2016-01-05 17:20:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57146 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"prediction" implies "after the birth" (i.e. when it's no longer a fetus)

(alternatively, you could say "(of an appraisal of the gender of a fetus)")
editor: yes, I think that's an improvement. Thanks
- 翻盤 翻盘 [fan1 pan2] /to make a comeback/(of a prediction of the gender of a fetus) to turn out to be wrong/
+ 翻盤 翻盘 [fan1 pan2] /to make a comeback/(of a doctor's assessment of the gender of a fetus) to turn out to be wrong/
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