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Change log entry 59750
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2015-12-26 07:54:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 57095 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
Grammatical error in the original definition.

Editor: thanks.
- 隨行就市 随行就市 [sui2 hang2 jiu4 shi4] /(of a price) to fluctuate according the market/
# + 隨行就市 随行就市 [sui2 hang2 jiu4 shi4] /(of a price) to fluctuate according to the market/sell at the market price/
+ 隨行就市 随行就市 [sui2 hang2 jiu4 shi4] /(of a price) to fluctuate according to the market/to sell at the market price/
By MDBG 2024
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