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Change log entry 59461
Processed by: richwarm (2015-12-02 09:44:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54942 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
M: 胡為亂做。如:「這是個重要的會議,你可別亂來!」
LA: 不按規矩、常理來做事。[例]長幼有序,不可~。

Serves you right! He probably found out that you were cheating on him first.

Confucius, China's greatest sage, was very liberal in his views towards imbibing, saying that it is fine to drink as long as you do not do so to the point where you act foolishly or recklessly.

On top of that, she was in the habit of dressing differently from most other people, which got her labeled as an "anti-social heretic" who routinely behaved in an outrageous manner. When asked how she managed to get through those years, Chen is reluctant to say much: "It was naturally a very difficult time for me."
+ 亂來 乱来 [luan4 lai2] /to act recklessly/to mess around/
By MDBG 2024
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