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Change log entry 59107
Processed by: ycandau (2015-10-26 15:49:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56083 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
In M, 胡想 is defined as 胡思亂想.

Cambridge dict ~ "have a bee in your bonnet"
"(informal) to ​keep ​talking about something again and again because you ​think it is very ​important"
That seems way off the mark for 胡思亂想.

Also, I don't see anything to suggest that 胡思亂想 can specifically refer to *utopian* fantasies.
And 胡思亂想 is basically *verbal* -- it seems to be "to fantasize" or "fantasizing" rather than "a fantasy".

Growing up in the poverty-ridden 1950s, the young Yang was fond of letting his thoughts run wild. He also drew with and on anything that came to hand, filling the walls in his family's home with drawings as far as he could reach.

"Ever since I began doing calligraphy, I have an outlet and I feel more peaceful. When I have free time I no longer lose my concentration."

So that she wouldn't have time to let her mind start running away with her, Cheng started working with the Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers as a member of their "home service" team.

The curious, playful Wang also loves to let his imagination run wild.

Freud argued that hypochondriacs worried about their health to such an extent that the slightest symptom would have them imagining the direst of diseases.

"I used to just sit in my chair with random thoughts running through my head, trying to figure out what to do with the endless days."

[Regrettably, when someone in the family manifests feelings of anxiety, most people will react rashly, criticizing them or saying] "Don't let your imagination run wild."
- 胡思亂想 胡思乱想 [hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3] /to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom); to let one's imagination run wild/to have a bee in one's bonnet/unrealistic utopian fantasy/
+ 胡思亂想 胡思乱想 [hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3] /to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom)/to let one's imagination run wild/
- 胡想 胡想 [hu2 xiang3] /to let one's imagination run wild/fantasy/
+ 胡想 胡想 [hu2 xiang3] /see 胡思亂想|胡思乱想[hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3]/
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