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Change log entry 58983
Processed by: richwarm (2015-10-16 00:29:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56176 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Or should it be "deviant understandings and views"?


If you are free of deviant knowledge and views and your samadhi is solid, then no matter how the demon kings come to bother you, your resolve for cultivation will not waver.

A good advisor is someone with wisdom; an evil advisor is an ignorant person. A good advisor has proper knowledge and views; an evil advisor has deviant knowledge and views. Proper knowledge and views accord with the Buddhadharma; deviant knowledge and views do not. A good advisor cultivates in accord with the Buddhadharma, an evil advisor cultivates in accord with demonic dharma. These are the criteria that differentiate good and evil.

Editor: Nice suggestion from Yves.
# 邪知邪見 邪知邪见 [xie2 zhi1 xie2 jian4] /deviant knowledge and views (Buddhism)/
+ 邪知邪見 邪知邪见 [xie2 zhi1 xie2 jian4] /false wisdom and erroneous views (Buddhism)/
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