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Change log entry 58972
Processed by: richwarm (2015-10-15 04:58:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 51329 - submitted by 'miles' >>
I think "clerk" just means employee. The page
gives several meanings. In historical context, (webloc. cit., definition (2)) "scribe" or "copyist" would be a better translation. In political context, it goes up to General Secretary of the Party. I think the word also has the connotation of "librarian". I came across this in the context of the guys who could write and read cuneiform clay tablets.
Editor: The first sense given in American Heritage, for example, is
"A person employed to handle correspondence, keep files, and do clerical work for another person or an organization."

That looks to me like what LA says of 書記 ~ 負責文書處理或資料繕寫的人員。
(Note that 文書處理 is defined as 辦理文書收發、分文、歸檔、保管等的業務 in LA.)
Furthermore, the example of that usage of 書記 in LA is 書記官, which is translated as "court clerk" in the following:

~ 將學問完全融入生活中,賴英照領悟頗多,所以他在大三時考上書記官,大四考上律師執照
With so much learning and understanding of many areas incorporated into his very existence, Lai passed the exam to become a court clerk while still in his third year at school, then passed the bar exam in his fourth year.
~ 法律系畢業前,他先考上書記官卻無心赴任
Before graduating with a law degree, he tested into a position as a court clerk but was not interested in the job

The gloss "secretary" needs explanation, I think.
- 書記 书记 [shu1 ji5] /secretary/clerk/CL:個|个[ge4]/
# + 書記 书记 [shu1 ji5] /scribe/secretary/CL:個|个[ge4]/
+ 書記 书记 [shu1 ji5] /secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party)/clerk/scribe/
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