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Change log entry 58874
Processed by: ycandau (2015-10-04 12:07:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 54541 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
mannerism: 做作;装模作样。it can be a verb.

"business" : K's def suggest that maybe "business" is a special word for histrionics activities, I don't know, can't find it in my dicts

作派: only on Z. Suggests some difference betweeen 作派 and 做派. Can't say I disagree, but how many people would make that difference?
As it is, our defs are the same
- 作派 作派 [zuo4 pai4] /way of doing sth/one's conduct/business/gestures in opera/
+ 作派 作派 [zuo4 pai4] /see 做派[zuo4 pai4]/
- 做派 做派 [zuo4 pai4] /way of doing sth/one's conduct/business/gestures in opera/
+ 做派 做派 [zuo4 pai4] /way of doing sth/behavior/to act in an affected manner/mannerism/gestures in opera/
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