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Change log entry 58869
Processed by: ycandau (2015-10-04 11:38:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56148 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"sell short" doesn't mean "sell future assets". It means "contract for the sale of securities or commodities one expects to own at a later date and *at a lower price*" (my emphasis). That last bit is significant.

AHD @ short-sell
To make a trade that produces a return inversely related to the price of (a security or index).
To make a short sale.

"sell short", on the other hand, is ambiguous. It can mean "underestimate the true value or worth of someone, as in 'Don't sell her short; she's a very able lawyer.' "
- 拋空 抛空 [pao1 kong1] /to sell short (i.e. to sell future assets)/
+ 拋空 抛空 [pao1 kong1] /to short-sell (finance)/
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