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Change log entry 58868
Processed by: richwarm (2015-10-03 21:53:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 56227 - submitted by 'budhard' >>

Editor: The most common ordering of names of contemporary Japanese people (followed by Wikipedia in the references you quote) is to put the family name *after* the given name. CEdict entries for Japanese personal names have reversed the conventional order, but sought to eliminate any resulting confusion by putting the family name in uppercase.

福田 is also the name of numerous places in Japan, and in some cases is pronounced Fukuta or Fukude.

But working on entries for Japanese proper nouns is low on our list of priorities.
- 福田 福田 [Fu2 tian2] /Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Fukuda (name)/FUKUDA Yasuo (1936-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2007-2008/
+ 福田 福田 [Fu2 tian2] /Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Fukuda (Japanese surname)/
# + 福田康夫 福田康夫 [Fu2 tian2 Kang1 fu1] /Fukuda Yasuo (1936-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2007-2008/
+ 福田康夫 福田康夫 [Fu2 tian2 Kang1 fu1] /FUKUDA Yasuo (1936-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2007-2008/
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